Evaluating Design Thinking and its Influence

Cameron Norman
6 min readJun 2, 2023
Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

Design and Design Thinking are foundational pathways to change-making and innovation, and change only happens when we can evaluate what happened.

Design and Design Thinking comprise the bedrock of innovation. Design is the intentional creation of things to serve a purpose, and like anything we do, it can be done well or poorly. Design Thinking represents the ways of approaching the art and science of making things for a purpose and might include tools, techniques, perspectives, and a stance.

Design is important because we are changing things, and it’s critical we know what the influence of what we make is on what we seek to change. So it goes that if we want to innovate well, we must design well.

How do we know? It’s time to bring in evaluation and how it fits. From here, I’ll refer to design as reflecting a broader practice that includes design thinking. I won’t treat them separately.

Let’s introduce you to the field and function of evaluation first.

Evaluation Goals and Design

Photo by Bozhin Karaivanov on Unsplash

Evaluation systematically examines the processes, procedures, outputs, outcomes



Cameron Norman

Designer, evaluator, educator, & psychologist supporting people in making positive change, by design. Principal @censeltd @censeacademy